Behavioural Expectations

  1. Students will arrive on time for class and attend class every day.
  2. If demonstration-based lessons are missed due to absences, it will be the student’s responsibility to “pick up” content from their peers and online resources.
  3. Students will maintain multiple secure copies of finished projects and work in progress.
  4. Students will handle course equipment and materials with care and responsibility, equipment lost or damaged is the student’s responsibility to repair and replace.
  5. Food and drinks are not permitted in the computer room area.
  6. When filming requires students to be out of the classroom, students will first check in with the classroom teacher and receive consent to leave the class in order to film.
  7. Students will demonstrate a high degree of commitment and effort in completing all assignments for deadline dates.
  8. Students will work cooperatively with others in discussion, collaboration, and production.

Film Policy

All filming on school property and all footage used for school projects must be appropriate for school showing.

Inappropriate material includes:

  1. promoting drugs or alcohol
  2. depictions of firearms
  3. containing course language
  4. explicitly violent scenes
  5. racist, sexist, homophobic, or other biggoted slurs
  6. sexually suggestive scenes
  7. revealing illegal activities

Inappropriate footage* will result in:

  1. immediate zero on project
  2. prohibition from equipment use
  3. possible administrative intervention

Signed consent must be obtained before filming any individual.

Students must obey copyright laws.

*Note that content decisions are at the discretion of Mr. Gilbar.