Day 11, 9/18

1. Review Our First Shoot!

There are eleven viewpoints to include…

  1. Framed Shot
  2. Negative Space
  3. Long Shot
  4. Close Up
  5. Asymmetrical View
  6. Symmetrical / Pattern View
  7. Eye level Portrait
  8. Profile Portrait
  9. Forced Perspective (Optical Illusion)
  10. Bird’s Eye View (High Angle/High Viewpoint)
  11. Worm’s Eye View (Low Angle/Low Viewpoint)

Please make sure to put all of your images on OneDrive in a “Viewpoints” folder in your your Film 11, then share it with your partner(s).

2. Submission Guidelines

Whenever you finish, please export your finished project as an Mp4. Before exporting, make sure you have the grey bar at the top of your sequence selecting the entire project and go to File > Export > Media (Cmnd.+M). You’ll need to set the format to H.264, and in this case, YouTube HD 1080p 29.97 (although in the future you may wish to use an alternative format). Set the output name to [LastInitial][FirstName]_SpyTalk.mp4 and set the destination to the desired folder, which is typically the desktop. When you are done, press export.

When it is done, be sure to watch and listen through the entire final MP4 video to make sure that it is complete and of a good quality. Afterwards, you will submit your file through Teams.

3. Open Studio

We will quickly edit together the Viewpoint project and should finish today or tomorrow, but it won’t be due until next week. Marks are based on…

  • Begins with your production logo
  • Exactly sixty seconds long
  • Eleven images in total, each on screen for five seconds each
  • 1-2 second transition of your choice between images
  • Each shot is clearly labelled with the viewpoint on the bottom
  • Each shot is given an appropriate title in quotations
  • Exported as a 1080p MP4 file with filename “[LastInitial][FirstName]_Viewpoints.mp4”

Please make sure to use High Definition 1080 and not match the settings of the first file when creating your sequence. If you forgot, then make sure to set it as 1080 HD when exporting!

Day 10, 9/17

1. Viewpoints 101

You know how to point a camera, but have you ever considered the emotional effect that perspective has on the viewer? We will run through a quick slideshow on various key viewpoints in film.

2. Viewpoint Slideshow Exercise

The first project we have will be a simple photo project where you will take a series of photographs from a variety of viewpoints with each viewpoint effectively employed. You will edit and compile the images together in a minute-long slideshow created in Adobe Premiere. We will be shooting today, editing tomorrow, and the project will be due next Wednesday. Marks are based on…

  • Begins with your production logo
  • Exactly sixty seconds long (5 seconds for logo, 55 seconds for the images)
  • Eleven images in total, each on screen for five seconds each
  • 1-2 second transition of your choice between images
  • Each shot is clearly labelled with the viewpoint on the bottom
  • Each shot is given an appropriate title in quotations
  • Exported as a 1080p MP4 file with filename “[LastInitial][FirstName]_Viewpoints.mp4”

3. Viewpoint Photoshoot

  1. Framed Shot
  2. Negative Space
  3. Long Shot
  4. Close Up
  5. Asymmetrical View
  6. Symmetrical / Pattern View
  7. Eye level Portrait
  8. Profile Portrait
  9. Forced Perspective (Optical Illusion)
  10. Bird’s Eye View (High Angle/High Viewpoint)
  11. Worm’s Eye View (Low Angle/Low Viewpoint)

Working in pairs, you and a partner will work together to capture one image from each of the eleven assigned perspectives. Try to get all of your shots, but don’t overthink it! You shouldn’t spend more than three or four minutes setting up any one shot. Please use your own devices rather than our DSLR cameras if possible, and if you do, shoot on full-auto mode and in bright lighting conditions unless you know how to use Av or Tv priority shooting mode. You will need to be back in the last ten minutes of class to offload your images onto each partners computer.

Day 9, 9/16

1. Open Studio

We’ll have about an hour to work on the finishing touches for Spy Talk.

2. Submission Guidelines

Whenever you finish your Spy Talk exercise, please export your finished project as an MP4. Before exporting, make sure you have the grey bar at the top of your sequence selecting the entire project and go to File > Export > Media (Cmnd.+M). You’ll need to set the format to H.264 and High Quality 1080p. Set the output name to [LastInitial][FirstName]_SpyTalk.mp4 and set the destination to the desired folder, which is typically in your Film 11 OneDrive folder or the desktop. When you are done, press export.

When it is done, be sure to watch and listen through the entire final MP4 video to make sure that it is complete and of a good quality. Afterwards, submit the file through Teams.

Day 5-8, 9/11-13

1. Editing Demo

We’ll have the first twenty minutes to start working on the rough cut; i.e. putting all of the clips in sequence and avoiding errors in continuity. Afterwards, we will begin going over the process for turning it into a polished film. We will hopefully finish this first exercise this week and can get started on our first real project next week!

  • the proper sequence of clips (no gaps or black frames in between)
  • delete portions of the movie that make it inconsistent (ex: before actors are reading lines, etc.)
  • opening Production LOGO screen (simple still image made in Photoshop)
  • movie title fades in and out over BLACK background
  • at least one video transition (wipe, iris, etc.)
  • at least one freeze frame (likely required during explosion) AND and a clip that is slowed down or sped up (split a clip and slow down or speed up that portion)
  • at least one added sound effect (additional dialogue recording/ADR, explosion, footsteps, laugh track, jet fly by, etc.)
  • an underlying music track (plays throughout the movie that is faded/ducked in and out)
  • at least one video effect (ie. luma/ultra keyed explosion)
  • closing black credits (director, actors, and music are on attached list)