1. Filming Week! Starting today and throughout the entire week, we will be filming our suspense films. Each group will have 2.5 days of shooting time or five days in total. In other words, we should all aim to be
Day 55, 11/23
1. Finalize & Print Script Finish up edits to your script. It’s always a good idea to have a couple of other people read through it aloud to find any issues with clarity or awkward language. When you are done,
Day 54, 11/22
1. Peer Critique Sit back and relax! We will be watching the Conflict Through Dialogues at the start of class. 2. Crummy Mistakes Together, we will come up with some general guidelines for ourselves afterwards on how we can improve afterwards
Day 53, 11/21
1. Finalize Script Edit, edit, and edit some more! Your final script should be roughly two or three pages long. Time it out to see if it is too long or too short to see if you need to bulk
Day 51, 11/19
1. Suspense Concept Development Take some time today to discuss your ideas for possible suspense films! If you have one you feel strongly about, you can begin writing it. Next week, we will be writing our drafts, pairing up, and