
Film 11 and 12 provides students with the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to respond to and create film and television works. Through this course, you will acquire practical experience in some of the major areas of the industry, including acting, writing, and production. This experience introduces students to the standards of the film and television industry. Students also examine the important roles that film and television play in society. As you explore and critically analyze the industry within various social, cultural, and historical contexts, you will gain understanding of how these contexts influence and are influenced by film and television works.


Students are expected to act in a manner reflecting the mature way in which they wish to be treated. This includes things such as…

  • Be on-time, prepared, fed, watered, washroomed, attentive and ready to begin before the bell rings.
  • Be Covid-safe and uphold exemplary personal hygiene practices.
  • Treat the room, equipment, and your peers with respect.
  • Clean up after yourself at the end of class.
  • All assignments must be handed in complete and on-time.
  • Ask for help.
  • Help others.

Course Content

This is a project-based course. Nearly all learning outcomes will be demonstrated by the creation of an assortment of film projects. There are a handful of written components to most projects. These written components are used to provide you with an opportunity to explain the intentions behind your work and provide for self-reflection and will not be marked based on grammar or expression except for in cases where it impedes meaning. We will start by learning about post-production and editing with Adobe Premiere. Afterwards, we will begin to learn about production and using the film equipment. Finally, we will learn about pre-production and how to write, organize, and ensure production is smooth and efficient.

Film 11 Evaluation

Course Evaluation (with aprox. values)

  • Knowledge Quiz – 5%
  • Exercises – 25%
  • Projects – 40%
  • Final Project – 30%

Film 12 Evaluation

Course Evaluation (with aprox. values)

  • Planning Contract – 10%
  • Technical Research – 10%
  • Professionalism – 10%
  • Project #1 – 15%
  • Project #2 – 20%
  • Project #3 – 30%

Due Dates

All assignments have strict but reasonable due dates. There will always be several days between when we finish working on a project to insulate you from falling behind. Late assignments are accepted but held to a higher marking standard and will not be given the same level of meaningful qualitative feedback. Late submission will also prevent you from participating in class critique activities designed to improve the quality of your work.

Materials and Supplies

All equipment necessary for this course will be provided. There is a full class set of cameras, computers, SD cards, audio equipment, etc. Students are welcome to bring in their own camera equipment. In fact, many modern mobile devices have cameras that exceed the quality of the equipment we can provide. Students will only be able to sign the school cameras out overnight if their guardian has signed an off-site camera permission form.

All handouts will be posted online. Access to the internet will be necessary; however that does not necessitate students having internet access at home. Students can access the computer lab in rm. 224 any day during lunch or after school and can arrange time over CL or even during spare blocks as needed.

That said, all students are expected to have…

A set of headphones. We often work on files containing audio and headphones will be required. There are headphones available that students can borrow if needed. Students are permitted to listen to music as they work, as long as they are playing from a playlist (not regularly managing playback and switching between songs) and not using streaming services that consume bandwidth (Youtube, Songza, etc). Note: please do not bring in high-end headphones that you wouldn’t be willing to lose, as headphones have been known to be lost or go missing in the past.

All other equipment necessary for this course will be provided. There is a full class set of computers, and more than enough cameras and other recording equipment so that every student will be able to work efficiently during class. That said, you are welcome to use your own equipment if that is your preference.


Prompt attendance is mandatory. Late students will often miss important parts of the daily lesson. Missed time by the late student is to be made up generally after school. If a student is unable to attend class, the office must be notified and a note brought with the student when he or she returns. Students who are absent from class must make up time in the computer lab until outstanding assignments have been completed.