1. Film Submission Process Overview

A reminder for those who need it, here is the process you should be following each time you complete a project.

  1. Review the project rubric through Teams to ensure you are meeting all criteria.
  2. When you are done with your edit in Premiere, show it to a peer for final feedback.
  3. Export it as an appropriately named MP4 file encoded as H.264 Youtube 1080p at 24/30fps.
  4. Submit the project in Teams.

2. Complete Self-Assessment

Complete the self-assessment form in Teams. It will help you confirm that you’ve met all criteria. It should take 10-15 minutes to thoughtfully complete; you need to finish it all at once, so make sure not to start it in the last few minutes of class. It is a crucial opportunity for you to reflect on your work and to identify the successes and shortcomings of your project and how you can improve in the future.

3. Study Terminology

We have a terminology review coming up next month! Any time that you finish your work early and are looking for something to do, you can study this terminology set. There are lots of fun games to play, so mix it up!

4. Suspense Intro

It is state, a tone, and a genre in itself.

We are going to be making a short film in the genre of your choosing. In the process, we will refine our understanding of the various aspects of pre-production such as screenwriting, storyboarding, art design, and production planning.

“Good artists copy; great artists steal.”

We are going to steal from some of the best. Today we will begin our focused studies by viewing and analyzing clips from a handful of great films from a variety of genres. We will be emulating and employing some of the techniques in our own projects to help build suspense.

Day 47, 11/13