1. Editing “Shoot the Shots”
You will have almost the entire week to work on “Shoot the Shots!” Please use all of the available time to make it the best possible film it can be. Make sure to keep your production documents (i.e. your notes/script/storyboard) safe as I like to be able to refer to them when marking this project.
- Organize and share footage with all members. – M
- Review footage. Reshoot as needed. – M/T
- Rough Cut – T
- Add logos (both filmmakers; yours first, your partner’s second), title, and end credits. – W
- Add music, foley, sound effects, etc. – W
- Correct lighting, colour, add special effects, etc. – W/Th
- Caption with shot type. – Th/F
- Export versions with and without captions (brief demo next week before assignment due date) – Th/F
2. Colour Correction 101
Problem: My video is too warm (yellow-orange) or cool (blue).
Solution: The white balance was incorrectly set on the camera when shooting. Go to the “Color” workspace (on the very top panel) then go to the “Color Correction” section in the top-right corner. Adjust the topmost slider left to “warm” the clip or right to “cool” the clip down. There are other sliders to play with below that will manipulate the exposure, contrast, and saturation. You can get an excellent result this way, but it still isn’t as good as having the White Balance properly configured when filming. There is also a new colour space option that we will be exploring.
3. Sound Editing 101
Problem: There are distracting sounds in the background!
Solution: Reduce the gain or eliminate the in-camera audio entirely. Sound effects can be rerecorded or quickly pulled from our network. Remember that We have an amazing library of nearly 20,000 songs and sound effects available on the network. Parse through the many folders, and when you find a sound you’d like to use, copy it to the project folder on your computer’s hard drive (do not drag it directly into your project!). You can also pull sounds from Youtube and other streaming sites using a downloader like iyoutubetomp4.com, but be sure you are only doing so under Fair Use.
4. Edit Rough Cut of “Shoot the Shots”
Edit “Shoot The Shots” project and bring in all of your clips to create a rough cut prior to correcting colours and adding audio (ambience, SFX, and music), or titles. Grab a camera and reshoot as needed! We will be introducing our storytelling unit on Friday, but you won’t have much studio time remaining to work on this project.