1. Editing “Shoot the Shots”

You will have all week to work on “Shoot the Shots!” Please use all of the available time to make it the best possible film it can be. Make sure to keep your production documents (i.e. your notes/script/storyboard) safe as I like to be able to refer to them when marking this project.

  1. Complete shooting for both groups.  –  T
  2. Review footage. Reshoot as needed.  –  T/W
  3. Organize and share footage with all members.  –  W
  4. Rough Cut  –  W
  5. Add logos (both filmmakers; yours first, your partner’s second), title, and end credits.  –  Th
  6. Add music, foley, sound effects, etc.  –  Th
  7. Correct lighting, colour, add special effects, etc.  –  F
  8. Caption with shot type.  –  F
  9. Export versions with and without captions (brief demo next week before assignment due date)  –  W
Day 23-25, 10/11-13